Tuesday, November 04, 2008

To vote, or not to vote:

I just voted for the first time today.  I know that my vote won't have any effect on the outcome of this general election, but I am glad that I voted nonetheless.  It is an exciting new chapter of my life, and one that I hope to pursue responsibly.  Just knowing that I was planning on voting has forced me to look a little deeper into issues that I would normally not even think about.  I believe things could be different if people were more politically active.  The problem is that too many people would rather just "leave politics to the politicians" or think that there participation doesn't really matter anyway.  This is not true.  Strong lobbying against the federal government has been a effective check on legislation throughout the history of our country.  These large interest groups started as small groups, which consisted of individual members, who came together to make their voice heard.  

Start small: learn what your own interests in government are, and try to recognize what kind of effect the outcome of this election is going to have on you personally.  Having a voice in government starts when you know what you want to say.  For me, voting has been a small step in this direction, and I hope it can be the same for other first time voters out there.

Don't think, "To vote, or not to vote: that is the question."  Don't make it a question; just go do it.  I encourage everyone who reads this today, if you have not voted yet, please go out and make your voice heard, even if you are the only one who is listening.  

Please feel free to leave a comment about your election day experience.  November 4, 2008.  


Friday, October 31, 2008

It has been exactly one year, to the day, since I last posted.  That's a disgrace to the good and useful nature of blogger.  My new resolution for One lively ghost town, is that I will be able to utilize it in way that will really encourage others to be engaged and give me some feedback.  My only request upon my return is that you all will try to leave me some comments.  I don't care whether or not they are good or bad, just as long as they are honest.  Also feel free to ask questions if you don't understand my reasoning.  I welcome your thoughts and comments, and value your opinions. 

P.S. this is not a sign of weakness


Man dreams and pines to take to the sky,
But always has had the power to fly.
We know that we can, so we feel that we must,
But in doing the deed lose our faith, hope, and trust.

We want, we need, we think we feel,
Something so good it must be real,
But desire and love must endure to the end,
Working each one, the other to defend.

I long to pull close every good thing I see,
But God, in his mercy, has a better plan for me.
Better than rubies! We're instructed to seek,
She who is righteous, mild, and meek.

The path of righteousness hath greater worth,
Then any of the pleasures we may find here on earth.

Footnote: When I say, "lose our faith", I'm not implying that we can lose our eternal salvation, but that we lose our general sense of trust in ourselves and the people around us.  

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ok, how to write a new post. First start writing about whatever is on your mind at the moment. Ok, I'm already doing that. So, to update blog I'm going to write a new post, but what about. Nothing has happened to me lately. This is what always happens I get on blogger with good intentions of posting something new, but it always ends up being something stupid about how I have nothing to write about. Then everyone gets angry at my stupid post and tells me to make a new one, and the cycle continues. Then they will all think I'm an idiot for talking to myself and then posting it on my blog, and I ALMOST HIT THE GUY! People are so crazy. Well, that was my day, week actually.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

when i went for a walk down our driveway

Yesterday I went for a walk down our driveway and I saw, a deer, a squirrel, a butterfly, and a rabbit.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm Back

Well, it's been quite a while, but I was only mostly dead. As you all know school is over, so that's something to be thankful for, but now I'm studying for the GED. I have to take it in three weeks so that's not a lot of studying time. I have my license now, so that's kind of cool. Although I don't really go anywhere. I got a cell phone a couple of weeks ago, but it just sits on my shelf until it runs out of a charge. Sometimes a carry it around with me just for fun, but it serves no actually function. I'm looking for a job but as of yet I haven't found one. Um, that's about it. So I'll try to keep you posted on these most fascinating current events.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Just for the record, I'm no longer stuck at school. I'm just stuck in the rut of my life.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Bergalorgatord and Arrrg!

Well this is just great. It's 9:00 Monday morning and I'm once again sitting here at school passing time. Just after Elsa and I establish the fact that neither of us have phones, and go our separate ways, I find a class canceled notice on the door of my English class. So now, I can't call anyone to be picked up and the closest thing I can do to telling anyone is what I'm doing right now. Although I don't know why I' m doing this, it's not going to help me much, and it doesn't make for a very interesting post. Anyway, I have 3 hours to kill and I'm not in a very murderous mood. I do have some homework to do. This I just found out from checking my e-mail, but here's the kicker, I can't do it because I don't know how. Man, I just love school so much. Ba-arrf! I hate this so much. You would think it would be a great time to get some work done wouldn't you, but for some strange reasons I find it very hard to work under these conditions. I think it's because it's forced work, like I'm not here because I want to be, I'm here because I have to be, because I have no choose. Oh yeah! Here's another funny little joke, by the time I get my license the semester's practically over. Ha, Ha, that just cracks me up inside. Well anyway, here's a taste of my life.

By the way, most of this was written in sarcasm. Just in case your really dense.