Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I going to post more pictures soon, I think anyway. Because I have nothing to say, and a picture is worth 1,000 words.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

This is my mother's cooking. Can anyone guess what it is? Sorry, what they are?

Here's some more pictures of my awesome cat Datsun. My cat is awesome. Ok well she looks better in real life. The picture that just appeared on this post is some what frightening me.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Hey, here are some pictures that I took, and photograms. Sorry they are not perfectly croped.

What can I say?

I sit here and think and think about what to post about. I come up with nothing. I say to myself, well it doesn't have to be funny, just write about something interesting that happened to you. That doesn't work, no remotely eventful thing has happened to me. So then I say well just make up something ridiculous like everybody else. I can't do that either. My mind just doesn't work like, that no matter how hard I try. Oh hold on, I have a story. Once upon a time ,no ,no I don't. Well I think I've fill up just about enough space to post.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

School Sucks

So I've been in school for, well the same time as the rest of you, and I've come to the conclusion that it sucks. My photography professor is a blundering fool. And I feel embarrassed coming into class and realizing that she really is the fool I say she is, as if I have any control over who my professor is. My Spanish professor is ok. He has a strange sense of humor. But I pity all you that have more than two classes and jobs. I do enjoy getting out of the house although I don't appreciate the people outside of it.