Monday, March 26, 2007

Bergalorgatord and Arrrg!

Well this is just great. It's 9:00 Monday morning and I'm once again sitting here at school passing time. Just after Elsa and I establish the fact that neither of us have phones, and go our separate ways, I find a class canceled notice on the door of my English class. So now, I can't call anyone to be picked up and the closest thing I can do to telling anyone is what I'm doing right now. Although I don't know why I' m doing this, it's not going to help me much, and it doesn't make for a very interesting post. Anyway, I have 3 hours to kill and I'm not in a very murderous mood. I do have some homework to do. This I just found out from checking my e-mail, but here's the kicker, I can't do it because I don't know how. Man, I just love school so much. Ba-arrf! I hate this so much. You would think it would be a great time to get some work done wouldn't you, but for some strange reasons I find it very hard to work under these conditions. I think it's because it's forced work, like I'm not here because I want to be, I'm here because I have to be, because I have no choose. Oh yeah! Here's another funny little joke, by the time I get my license the semester's practically over. Ha, Ha, that just cracks me up inside. Well anyway, here's a taste of my life.

By the way, most of this was written in sarcasm. Just in case your really dense.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Just Sitting

Well, I'm just sitting here at school waiting to be picked up, and I don't really have anything worth saying, but I hate to see my blog in the same state for to long. Spring break was good, but school is not. My sympathy goes out to all those who are returning back to the world of not cool stuff.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The last of the dancing Flemingos.

I remember some the first pictures on Katie's blog. She didn't say much about it at the time, but she was so proud of her flamingo pictures. That was when she was first getting into photography. As the months passed she impressed us all with more fabulous pictures. My personal favorites were the color pictures from the beach. I think there were some real prize winners in that batch, and of course no one can forget the pictures she posted from the good old days in Dundalk. Good times. Most of all, I loved how she filled the blog with her character and spirit. Posting lethargic and unenergetic post like, "I really don't feel like doing this now" and, "o barn". Here is an exert from one of her poems which I think adequately catches the essence of who she was through the writings in her blog. "This maniacal mind of mine is so proud of remembering something that it determines to hold onto this something this little bit of nothing..." We will miss you "Mine". We shall not weep for the departed, but I have faith that somewhere down the road "One lively ghost town" shall meet you on the other side.

But not for a long time.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

cake, cake, and more cake

I still want people to come to my house but I don't think I'm going to do the whole car painting deal. One of the reasons being because it involves too much work and the other is that I heard rummer of the Subaru not making it up hear. So anyway, I'm still trying to think of something to do, but there's not much to do around here so it might just end up, (if anyone comes that is) with us sitting around here doing nothing. Just kidding. Anyway, I think the weekend of the 21st of April would be a good time.

It would be,(for me anyway) more in celebration of me getting my license than my birthday, although my birthday being around then is a plus. If I don't pass the test, well, I probably won't tell you. Well just tell me if that sounds good to you, and if you don't know yet that's OK. I know it's still pretty far away. And if nobody can come or if nobody wants to come, then we can have big blog party. And if nobody wants to join my blog party, then I'll probably end up building myself a cake. And if I end up building my self a cake, it will end up being so massive that while I'm trying to put the top layer of icing on it will fall on top of me. Therefor I would be spending my birthday weekend trying to eat my self out, and that would be difficult because I can't bake and the cake would taste bad. And if you think that would be something worth seeing, by all means don't come.