Tuesday, November 04, 2008

To vote, or not to vote:

I just voted for the first time today.  I know that my vote won't have any effect on the outcome of this general election, but I am glad that I voted nonetheless.  It is an exciting new chapter of my life, and one that I hope to pursue responsibly.  Just knowing that I was planning on voting has forced me to look a little deeper into issues that I would normally not even think about.  I believe things could be different if people were more politically active.  The problem is that too many people would rather just "leave politics to the politicians" or think that there participation doesn't really matter anyway.  This is not true.  Strong lobbying against the federal government has been a effective check on legislation throughout the history of our country.  These large interest groups started as small groups, which consisted of individual members, who came together to make their voice heard.  

Start small: learn what your own interests in government are, and try to recognize what kind of effect the outcome of this election is going to have on you personally.  Having a voice in government starts when you know what you want to say.  For me, voting has been a small step in this direction, and I hope it can be the same for other first time voters out there.

Don't think, "To vote, or not to vote: that is the question."  Don't make it a question; just go do it.  I encourage everyone who reads this today, if you have not voted yet, please go out and make your voice heard, even if you are the only one who is listening.  

Please feel free to leave a comment about your election day experience.  November 4, 2008.