Monday, March 26, 2007

Bergalorgatord and Arrrg!

Well this is just great. It's 9:00 Monday morning and I'm once again sitting here at school passing time. Just after Elsa and I establish the fact that neither of us have phones, and go our separate ways, I find a class canceled notice on the door of my English class. So now, I can't call anyone to be picked up and the closest thing I can do to telling anyone is what I'm doing right now. Although I don't know why I' m doing this, it's not going to help me much, and it doesn't make for a very interesting post. Anyway, I have 3 hours to kill and I'm not in a very murderous mood. I do have some homework to do. This I just found out from checking my e-mail, but here's the kicker, I can't do it because I don't know how. Man, I just love school so much. Ba-arrf! I hate this so much. You would think it would be a great time to get some work done wouldn't you, but for some strange reasons I find it very hard to work under these conditions. I think it's because it's forced work, like I'm not here because I want to be, I'm here because I have to be, because I have no choose. Oh yeah! Here's another funny little joke, by the time I get my license the semester's practically over. Ha, Ha, that just cracks me up inside. Well anyway, here's a taste of my life.

By the way, most of this was written in sarcasm. Just in case your really dense.


tag said...

Ew, being stuck anywhere sucks, but school is a pretty bad place. Elsa was asking about phones... no one's given her one then? Or was it just for the day?

itshouldbsummer said...

Actually if you do have an old phone that you're not using but that works okay, i am still interested. i have a really old one but it won't hold a charge or work so well either. but today i just managed to forget mine at home.

Ma'am Gallahad said...

what does bergalorgatord mean?

Daniel said...

It means(some one help me, I'm stuck at school, and I need to get my license, and well pretty much everything I said in the post.)