Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Ok, how to write a new post. First start writing about whatever is on your mind at the moment. Ok, I'm already doing that. So, to update blog I'm going to write a new post, but what about. Nothing has happened to me lately. This is what always happens I get on blogger with good intentions of posting something new, but it always ends up being something stupid about how I have nothing to write about. Then everyone gets angry at my stupid post and tells me to make a new one, and the cycle continues. Then they will all think I'm an idiot for talking to myself and then posting it on my blog, and I ALMOST HIT THE GUY! People are so crazy. Well, that was my day, week actually.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
when i went for a walk down our driveway
Yesterday I went for a walk down our driveway and I saw, a deer, a squirrel, a butterfly, and a rabbit.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
I'm Back
Well, it's been quite a while, but I was only mostly dead. As you all know school is over, so that's something to be thankful for, but now I'm studying for the GED. I have to take it in three weeks so that's not a lot of studying time. I have my license now, so that's kind of cool. Although I don't really go anywhere. I got a cell phone a couple of weeks ago, but it just sits on my shelf until it runs out of a charge. Sometimes a carry it around with me just for fun, but it serves no actually function. I'm looking for a job but as of yet I haven't found one. Um, that's about it. So I'll try to keep you posted on these most fascinating current events.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Bergalorgatord and Arrrg!
Well this is just great. It's 9:00 Monday morning and I'm once again sitting here at school passing time. Just after Elsa and I establish the fact that neither of us have phones, and go our separate ways, I find a class canceled notice on the door of my English class. So now, I can't call anyone to be picked up and the closest thing I can do to telling anyone is what I'm doing right now. Although I don't know why I' m doing this, it's not going to help me much, and it doesn't make for a very interesting post. Anyway, I have 3 hours to kill and I'm not in a very murderous mood. I do have some homework to do. This I just found out from checking my e-mail, but here's the kicker, I can't do it because I don't know how. Man, I just love school so much. Ba-arrf! I hate this so much. You would think it would be a great time to get some work done wouldn't you, but for some strange reasons I find it very hard to work under these conditions. I think it's because it's forced work, like I'm not here because I want to be, I'm here because I have to be, because I have no choose. Oh yeah! Here's another funny little joke, by the time I get my license the semester's practically over. Ha, Ha, that just cracks me up inside. Well anyway, here's a taste of my life.
By the way, most of this was written in sarcasm. Just in case your really dense.
By the way, most of this was written in sarcasm. Just in case your really dense.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Just Sitting
Well, I'm just sitting here at school waiting to be picked up, and I don't really have anything worth saying, but I hate to see my blog in the same state for to long. Spring break was good, but school is not. My sympathy goes out to all those who are returning back to the world of not cool stuff.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The last of the dancing Flemingos.
I remember some the first pictures on Katie's blog. She didn't say much about it at the time, but she was so proud of her flamingo pictures. That was when she was first getting into photography. As the months passed she impressed us all with more fabulous pictures. My personal favorites were the color pictures from the beach. I think there were some real prize winners in that batch, and of course no one can forget the pictures she posted from the good old days in Dundalk. Good times. Most of all, I loved how she filled the blog with her character and spirit. Posting lethargic and unenergetic post like, "I really don't feel like doing this now" and, "o barn". Here is an exert from one of her poems which I think adequately catches the essence of who she was through the writings in her blog. "This maniacal mind of mine is so proud of remembering something that it determines to hold onto this something this little bit of nothing..." We will miss you "Mine". We shall not weep for the departed, but I have faith that somewhere down the road "One lively ghost town" shall meet you on the other side.
But not for a long time.
But not for a long time.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
cake, cake, and more cake
I still want people to come to my house but I don't think I'm going to do the whole car painting deal. One of the reasons being because it involves too much work and the other is that I heard rummer of the Subaru not making it up hear. So anyway, I'm still trying to think of something to do, but there's not much to do around here so it might just end up, (if anyone comes that is) with us sitting around here doing nothing. Just kidding. Anyway, I think the weekend of the 21st of April would be a good time.
It would be,(for me anyway) more in celebration of me getting my license than my birthday, although my birthday being around then is a plus. If I don't pass the test, well, I probably won't tell you. Well just tell me if that sounds good to you, and if you don't know yet that's OK. I know it's still pretty far away. And if nobody can come or if nobody wants to come, then we can have big blog party. And if nobody wants to join my blog party, then I'll probably end up building myself a cake. And if I end up building my self a cake, it will end up being so massive that while I'm trying to put the top layer of icing on it will fall on top of me. Therefor I would be spending my birthday weekend trying to eat my self out, and that would be difficult because I can't bake and the cake would taste bad. And if you think that would be something worth seeing, by all means don't come.
It would be,(for me anyway) more in celebration of me getting my license than my birthday, although my birthday being around then is a plus. If I don't pass the test, well, I probably won't tell you. Well just tell me if that sounds good to you, and if you don't know yet that's OK. I know it's still pretty far away. And if nobody can come or if nobody wants to come, then we can have big blog party. And if nobody wants to join my blog party, then I'll probably end up building myself a cake. And if I end up building my self a cake, it will end up being so massive that while I'm trying to put the top layer of icing on it will fall on top of me. Therefor I would be spending my birthday weekend trying to eat my self out, and that would be difficult because I can't bake and the cake would taste bad. And if you think that would be something worth seeing, by all means don't come.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
A short story by me.
Not far down the dirt trail, nearby a fence crippled with age, rested an old vehicle put out of commission years ago. It was an old Dotson something or another. All four tires were flat from being baked by the sun for 20 years. It lay flat on the ground with all sort of brush grown up around it. If the sun was bright enough you could still catch a glimpse of her silvery blue color. I first approached the car at the end of a trying day and was just looking for a place to hide. After clearing away some of the weeds and stickers, I tried opening the door. It took a bit of encouragement but after a while I was able to climb in. It was beautiful inside. The black leather seats were still soft. Although there were weeds growing around my feet and a snake skin next to me I could still smell the aroma of a real car. I put my hand to the wheel and reached for the gear shift; it was like waking up from a dream. I was staring out into an empty field, yet I could see a long road stretching out before me. She wanted to take me somewhere. She wanted to show the things she had seen. I took a deep breath, then slowly I stepped on the gas. As the miles past behind me and the cool breeze tickled my face, I could feel her warm smile reassuring me that it would all work out and everything was going to be OK.
The years past and we traveled the world together. Every time anger and hatred started to take over I found comfort in her always open ears, and when I got to a point in my life when I thought there was nothing to look forward to, she would take me down the ever changing road and tell me it was all going to be different one day.
That day did come just a few years later, but everything was just the same as it had always been. Nothing had changed, it had only gotten worse and worse. Everything she had told me was a lie. Every time I stepped on that gas peddle I was driving myself farther down into my own ruts. That day I came, but I came with ten pounds of steel. I dragged the hammer to the spot where she lay. I lifted the hammer and swung with a force driven by hatred. Then I swung again and again and again. I heard a piercing sound as the windshield shattered. I stopped and looked down at the scattered pieces of glass trickling down the hood. Quickly I dropped the hammer, thrust out my arms, and caught her tears in my hands. I sat on my knees and clenched the sharp prisms till her tears became mine.
My hands now covered in her blood, my blood.
The years past and we traveled the world together. Every time anger and hatred started to take over I found comfort in her always open ears, and when I got to a point in my life when I thought there was nothing to look forward to, she would take me down the ever changing road and tell me it was all going to be different one day.
That day did come just a few years later, but everything was just the same as it had always been. Nothing had changed, it had only gotten worse and worse. Everything she had told me was a lie. Every time I stepped on that gas peddle I was driving myself farther down into my own ruts. That day I came, but I came with ten pounds of steel. I dragged the hammer to the spot where she lay. I lifted the hammer and swung with a force driven by hatred. Then I swung again and again and again. I heard a piercing sound as the windshield shattered. I stopped and looked down at the scattered pieces of glass trickling down the hood. Quickly I dropped the hammer, thrust out my arms, and caught her tears in my hands. I sat on my knees and clenched the sharp prisms till her tears became mine.
My hands now covered in her blood, my blood.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Is it getting hotter?
I just read this thing on some guy's blog. He was talking about how he didn't think that global warming was unbiblical. He gave reverences for Revelation 16:8, and 7:13-16. He said that the event of a major climate change was not unbiblical but it was how the government was blowing it up to instill fear in people, so they could get more money. I do not agree. I believe global warming is unbiblical. One of the effects of global warming would be that the polar ice caps would melt and eventually flood the entire planet. This is impossible because the Lord promised in Genesis 9:15 that the waters should no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. Also if the earth was to become supper heated that would pretty much wack out our seasons right. Well, (Genesis 8:22) "While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
I believe we should form a search party. We can split up into groups. I keep checking her blog thinking that maybe by some miracle she jumped back into the cyber world of pointless conversation, but it seems she's no where to be found. Maybe If someone tries shouting her name really loud over the Internet. Well, here goes last attempts.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Praying for Snow
My English prof. yesterday said that if there was even the smallest amount of snow he wasn't going to be there tomorrow. Then I got to Spanish and I had a sub, which was just weird but he said also there will be no class tomorrow. So if it snows, which I pray it does, there is a very great chance I won't have to go into school at all.
Also, I want to have a car painting party here at my house. Probably sometime around my birthday but not necessarily for my birthday. And it really depends on whether or not I still have a car. And hopefully it will be just around when I get my license, that's the whole idea behind the birthday part. Anyway It's just a thought for now, but I think it would be a lot of fun.
Also, I want to have a car painting party here at my house. Probably sometime around my birthday but not necessarily for my birthday. And it really depends on whether or not I still have a car. And hopefully it will be just around when I get my license, that's the whole idea behind the birthday part. Anyway It's just a thought for now, but I think it would be a lot of fun.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I can't get any pictures of my trip. They're all on Dad's computer. Besides that, what else has been going on? Oh yeah, nothing. I don't go anywhere because there's nowhere to go. I don't do anything because there's nothing to do, and nobody to do anything with. Isn't that exciting! My car has been in the shop all week. It's really cold here. Well since there's nothing to write about I guess I'll just do like everyone else and find some random picture to show people.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Well I was in Arizona the past week. I really hope I've been spelling Arizona Correctly, because I don't think I have been for some reason or another, although I can't think of another way to spell it. Anyway it was fun, but not the plane, and all the insane family we met there. I saw a lot of cool things, but mostly I just sat in the back of a van for long periods of time with nothing to drink but diet coke and diet green tea, and nothing to eat but southbeach bars. It was incredibly cold there and there was snow everywhere, but it was a good trip. Um, today was the first day of school and now I'm sitting here in the school library waiting for Elsa to get out of class since I hitched a ride with her this morning.
Well everyone knows that mothers love to smother their children with all sorts of stuff on their first day of school, or at least back to school. They wake you up in time and cook you a big breakfast, make sure you have your books and note pads, snacks, and 27 writing utensils. Well, our beloved mother didn't even get out of bed this morning. My father woke us up, then he went back to bed. There wasn't even a pot of coffee made. What's up with that?
Anyway I'll post some pictures of Our trip. Maybe, sometime.
Well everyone knows that mothers love to smother their children with all sorts of stuff on their first day of school, or at least back to school. They wake you up in time and cook you a big breakfast, make sure you have your books and note pads, snacks, and 27 writing utensils. Well, our beloved mother didn't even get out of bed this morning. My father woke us up, then he went back to bed. There wasn't even a pot of coffee made. What's up with that?
Anyway I'll post some pictures of Our trip. Maybe, sometime.
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