Wednesday was my first day of school at the community college. Well I guess there really isn't that much to say about it. Um, this is why I don't post. Here's a random picture of one of the cactuses that made up the lawn at the beach house in Nags Head.
theres plenty more to say about it. for example, you could say that school sucks, then say what specific class youre taking, then add that that specific class sucks, after which you could elaborate on the class you WISH you were taking, and after you paint a beautiful literary picture of the class you wish you were taking, then you can add "but, the professor sucks" and proceed to explain in what ways that professor sucks, and then realize that you have come full circle and make a broad generalization by saying that school sucks.
Cactus... good times... I remember a few years back one of my aunt's having to pull those out of her legs after she fell down walking to Dairy Queen...
Good analogy: school vs. cactuses (cacti?) . . . if only we could all just mow right over school too . .
Oh, and just as a random aside, WE SCHOOLED EVERYONE AT PICTIONARY!!! Yeah, lucky pencil that Katie!
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