Monday, April 17, 2006

passing would be nice

I am supposed to be studying for the SAT's. I have no confidence that I am going to pass. Oh, right, positive thinking. Well, I hope I do well because it's imperative that I pass it's my only ticket out of my house or prison. The reason I'm posting this is because everyone I've asked has no memory of the test even though the may have just taken it not to long ago. Anyway if you have a memory at all just tell me how difficult is was or was not. The only reason I'm at all nervous about this is because I haven't taken a test of any importance since 4th grade and because I haven't even finished algerbra 1 yet. It's not because I have some kind of learning disability, I'm just really far behind. I'd appreciate any kind of encouragement.


Katie! said...

Don't worry, you're smart, you'll pass. And even if you don't, it doesn't matter because school is dumb!

thecolvinator said...

You should ask Kathryn about it, I think it's changed since everyone else you know has taken it.