I sit on a bench between two trees
I am the center most thought ,yet still forgotten
The boughs that cradle the sky above me
And below, the bench that holds this figure of sorrow
I sit on a bench between two trees
I am cold and I am alone
The icy wind crawls through my thin shirt
My heart gives into the sadness that's filling my mind
And I am no longer alone
The cold is now a comfort to me
A friend to console my weary person
I close my eyes and breath deeply
And let the cold consume me
Ok I know it doesn't rhyme or even have the same number of lines in each verse. I know I could make it a lot better if I worked on it. But I just can't stay in one place too long. I really was freezing to death, sitting on a bench, between two trees when I wrote it. I didn't even have a proper piece of paper.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
A Poem of Mine
What heart hinged upon a head can see
Truth that dwells behind these dusty faces
If courage were bold
And laughter pleasant
The ember of pain would not grow so hot
If time were turned
And forgiveness felt...
But time can not be changed
Truth that dwells behind these dusty faces
If courage were bold
And laughter pleasant
The ember of pain would not grow so hot
If time were turned
And forgiveness felt...
But time can not be changed
Ok, my life isn't really all that miserable. I just like to complain. Which I shouldn't, so I'll change the tune. I GOT A CAR! AND IT'S A FIVE SPEED. It's cool to have something to drive, and in not too long I get my license. I had a job, and then I didn't, which was almost relieving because I was going to quit anyway. Plus I got 80 bucks. Another small supply of cash that will slowly dwindle away, and is almost gone. (This all happened a while ago). I HATE SCHOOL. Well I really don't hate school, not all the time anyway. Just most of the time. I HAVE A COLD! WAIT, I have a cold there's nothing really good about that.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
What can I say?
I sit here and think and think about what to post about. I come up with nothing. I say to myself, well it doesn't have to be funny, just write about something interesting that happened to you. That doesn't work, no remotely eventful thing has happened to me. So then I say well just make up something ridiculous like everybody else. I can't do that either. My mind just doesn't work like, that no matter how hard I try. Oh hold on, I have a story. Once upon a time ,no ,no I don't. Well I think I've fill up just about enough space to post.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
School Sucks
So I've been in school for, well the same time as the rest of you, and I've come to the conclusion that it sucks. My photography professor is a blundering fool. And I feel embarrassed coming into class and realizing that she really is the fool I say she is, as if I have any control over who my professor is. My Spanish professor is ok. He has a strange sense of humor. But I pity all you that have more than two classes and jobs. I do enjoy getting out of the house although I don't appreciate the people outside of it.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Sorry I'm so boring. I guess my blog became a ghost town sooner than I expected. That or it just got hit by a huge snow storm. Anyway, I'm sitting here and thinking really hard about what to post about. Nothing is coming to mind. I guess that's why I'm rambling on. Oh, Turbo Saab died. All my animals die when I'm away. I have to go so I'll post more later.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
The car that got away
There was this car that I loved and checked everyday to make sure it was still for sale. It was an 82 Porshe 944, gray, black leather interior, 5 speed, CD player, everything, at a really good price. I loved that car. The other day when I went to look at the perfect car, it had been sold. My heart was broken and I am still very, very sad. I don't know if I'll ever love a car from an ad as much as I loved that one.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
SAT Trap
Well I went to go take the SAT today, but they wouldn't let me take it because I didn't have the proper identification. So that's really dumb. Anyway It pretty much stinks because the next testing date is in October. I hate the system. So all my stress, and studying over the test was for nothing. But do you want to hear the best part? I can't go to RVCC valley until I take the dumb test, and your required to have a photo ID, which by the time we realized was crucial we couldn't get it because it was too late and there were complications. The same thing happened with Elsa except they let her in with the identification she had. So the deal is, since I have to take the test to go to RVCC, and the next test is in October, after school starts. Well you get the picture, I won't be going to school next year. So let me just summarize it all for you, MY LIFE SUCKS!!!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Cool Picture
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Fishing at our resevoir is cool and really fun. And I know everyone is really jealous of my big catch. No, actually it's not mine. Elsa's the one who caught it, she just didn't get a picture of the tons of ginormous fish I caught. Anyway It really was a lot of fun. The best part was when katie was casting the line and half the reel flew out into the water. We tried to retrieve it, but the water was too deep. Even with just one good fishing rod and a couple hooks tied to sticks, we caught a lot ... of trees. We caught real fish as well, just not as many as we did other things. It also started pouring rain while we were there. It was fun trying to catch at least one more fish in the rain. We did actually eat our fish too. Not that it was much to eat, but it tasted good. I don't like the fact that they have spines in their fins.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The mouse from chicken run
Friday, April 28, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Who new a frog could be so much fun?
This morning I went out to our pound, caught a frog, and scared my cousins with it. It was so classic, I guess that's what made it so funny. That will probably be my thrill for the rest of the day. That and building a cake for myself. My life is so exciting.
Monday, April 17, 2006
fun fact
I just found out that there is no passing grade on the SAT's. That makes me feel a little better. Well I hope I do well anyway.
pondering my posting
Has anyone notice that all my post start with p's. I wonder why or how that happened. Sorry just an observation, because I have no one else's blog to observe.
problems and errors
Well this stinks. I can't put any pictures up. It tells me there are errors and I don't know how to talk back. I don't speak computer lingo.
passing would be nice
I am supposed to be studying for the SAT's. I have no confidence that I am going to pass. Oh, right, positive thinking. Well, I hope I do well because it's imperative that I pass it's my only ticket out of my house or prison. The reason I'm posting this is because everyone I've asked has no memory of the test even though the may have just taken it not to long ago. Anyway if you have a memory at all just tell me how difficult is was or was not. The only reason I'm at all nervous about this is because I haven't taken a test of any importance since 4th grade and because I haven't even finished algerbra 1 yet. It's not because I have some kind of learning disability, I'm just really far behind. I'd appreciate any kind of encouragement.
Friday, April 14, 2006
positive thinking
Well first I'll start out by saying something incredibly profound to astound you all. This, is, my first post. No, but really I don't even know why I set up this blog, I can hardly guess how long till everyone is begging me to delete it. Actually I shouldn't be so negative. Maybe this will be my place for positive thinking. I doubt it, but maybe.
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